March's BOTM Book Club Pick
Join Book Crumbs, The Book Club in reading Oathbound by Tracy Deonn
Our March 2025 Book of the Month
After a fun month of giggling and kicking out feet to the tune of Only For The Week by Natasha Bishop, Book Crumbs, The Book Club is headed back to the wonderful world of fantasy (and chaos) for our March 2025 read. We will be diving into book 3 of the Legendborn Cycle series, Oathbound by Tracy Deonn. Below you will find:
Our book club meeting links and schedule (note: this has been simplified so even if you’re not new to the book club, please read)
RSVP link to our very own Virtual Release Party (via Zoom)
And if you don’t have time for a re-read of books 1 & 2, I’ve linked recaps and worldbuilding resources to refresh your memory so we can all be caught up by the time Oathbound hits the shelves!
IMPORTANT NOTE: There’s been some big updates to our Book Club. We will no longer be on Fable, our book club will now take place here on Substack. Please read on for more information and to view our reading schedule!
Book of the Month Details
📚 BOTM: Oathbound by Tracy Deonn
Severed from the Legendborn. Oathbound to a monster.
Bree Matthews is alone. She exiled herself from the Legendborn Order, cut her ancestral connections, and turned away from the friends who can’t understand the impossible cost of her powers. This is the only way to keep herself—and those she loves—safe.
But Bree’s decision has come with a terrible price: an unbreakable bargain with the Shadow King himself, a shapeshifter who can move between humanity, the demon underworld, and the Legendborn secret society. In exchange for training to wield her unprecedented abilities, Bree has put her future in the Shadow King’s hands—and unwittingly bound herself to do his bidding as his new protégé.
Meanwhile, the other Scions must face war while their Round Table is fractured, leaderless, and missing its Kingsmage, as Selwyn has also disappeared. When Nick invokes an ancient law that requires the High Council of Regents to grant him an audience, the Order’s Merlins imprison him. No one knows what he will demand of the Regents...or what secrets he has kept hidden from the Table.
As a string of mysterious kidnappings escalates and Merlins are found dead, it becomes clear that no matter how hard Bree runs from who she is, the past will always find her.
Where you can purchase the BOTM
Pre-Order Options (author direct link)
You can also borrow the BOTM from your local library or through the Libby App with your library card if it is available.
Our Reading Schedule
ℹ️ *NOTE* the chapter count for this book is not available yet. Our suggested reading schedule will be updated once it is. To simplify our discussions, they will take place in one chat room under separate threads. (updated March 4th 2025)
Mar 1st 2025 ~ Kick Off Live Chat at 9am PST
Mar 8th 2025 ~ Chapters 1 - 15 Live Chat at 9am PST
Mar 15th 2025 ~ Chapters 16 - 30 Live Chat at 9am PST
For more detailed information on how to use our chats and how to join my book club, please read the post below.
RSVP for The Virtual Release Party CANCELLED
The virtual release party is an online video hangout to celebrate the release of Oathbound with the bookish community. This is a free fan event that I will be hosting. The author will NOT be in attendance. RSVP HERE
Recaps & Resources
Refresh your memory of the world of Legendborn! Here are some recaps and magic system refreshers to get you ready for Oathbound
⚔️ Legendborn Recap
⚔️ Bloodmarked Recap
⚔️ The Order
⚔️ Rootcraft
⚔️ Bloodcraft
⚔️ Author Pendragon Lore
⚔️ Lineage
Trigger Warnings & Disclaimer
Book Crumbs is an adult book club for readers over the age of 18 who can read and enjoy mature content. Please note that just because a book is YA does not mean it will not have triggering themes. Please engage responsibly. I am also reading our BOTM for the first time with the book club unless otherwise stated. Some books may contain varying levels of spice. It is your responsibility as a reader to read the trigger warnings of each book and to avoid any themes or mature content you do not wish to read.